Family Pics

Monday, June 30, 2008

Gavin, Grandpa & Andrew this was taken the day they were hiking back down to come home. Tom said they had a great time.

Next time they should stay Longer :)

That's a big fish, they brought it home so we could eat it. he had so much fun I don't think his smile could get any bigger..


Chuck (Tom's step dad) ,Tom, Andrew & Grandpa Dude

Gavin (Tom's brother), Andrew & Grandpa Dude

Andrew & Grandpa Dude, on there weekend outing!

Andrew caught a fish they had a guys weekend and went back packing Hiked a 3 miles stayed two nights and 3 days they had a blast!

Girls night, we were doing our nails..

Sammy & Lexy They happen to get into a chocalate fight on girls night! They had fun!

Abi & Sammy

Girls night!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Brooklyn 2.

This is my girlfriend Veronica's little girl she just

turned 2 she is so cute!!!!

Braquel, Andrew, Kaytlin, Charlyann,
Austin, Sammy, Justin, Kalub & Trenten
This was taken on one of our fun
Adventures. They are fun kids :)
Sammy, Kylie, & Ali on our hike!

they even took the championship. jk

they all got Trophey's but it made her day!

Told ya she had fun, to bad they are over.

Charlyann's 1st year to play Ball

she loved it she could'nt wait for her

games every week and they were so

Funny to watch..

He love to play short stop &

Loves to pitch..


He has turned into such an amazing ball
player. I love to watch it's so much fun!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

They are funny! This was taken on easter
out at Tom's moms this is all the grandkids..

It's Andrew doing what he loves
Pitching at one of his games.
He plays on a comp team named
the Bandits they are so fun to watch.

Hey everyone It's the Bright's

Tom, Allyson, Samantha 11,

Andrew 10, CharlyAnn 5...

Hope you enjoy :):)